
Promoting opportunities for youth in agriculture

Foundation for Young Farmers “F4YFKenya” intends to attract the younger generation back into farming. We’re defining the issues that young farmers face, fight for the policy changes that we need, and bring young farmers together in person and online to learn, share and build a stronger young farmers community.

AS YOUNG FARMERS, we are dedicating our lives to building a prosperous agricultural sector. We are counting on farming to support not only ourselves, but our communities and our nation. The world is counting on us to stimulate growth in rural communities, to produce a healthy food supply, and to protect water, air and soil.


Our mission is to inform, educate and promote Young people in the agriculture industry.


We envision a country where young people who are willing to work, get trained and mentored to support themselves and their families in farming.

Foundation for Young Farmers (F4YFKenya) aims at creating sustainable programs to nurture and develop young agriculture entrepreneurs. Having recognized the potential role of youth in contributing to agricultural revolution, it became imperative to develop a long term comprehensive programs that would attract and inspire the youth to actively participate in agriculture as a career. We serve as a platform through which young people can realize their full potential towards agriculture.

Our key objectives are:

  • Providing a platform where young people can share farming experiences;
  • Provision of training, advice and expertise on agricultural projects and schemes;
  • Helping Young people draft viable Business plans and set up viable agricultural projects and community programs;
  • Linking the youth to agriculture stake holders; financial institutions, Government agencies, input producers, NGOs and research firms and market;
  • Soliciting grants/donations to support young people venture into farming;
  • Sensitizing the youth on the need to engage in agriculture through group campaigns and social media.

14 thoughts on “About”

  1. hi,
    I am currently working on a show that will showcase agriculture as a cool and profitable venture and i am seeing youth groups or individuals who would be willing to be featured in the show. kindly assist me with a phone number and email address i can use to forward more details. any response will be highly appreciated.

    1. Hi Muchoki,
      I would advice that you prepare a call or advert for the youths to apply to be featured, then we distribute it through the contacts we have and social media. This will give you more youth who want to be featured then you select from the applications.
      We can help you in the process, kindly get in touch

      1. Hi,
        we are a young couple with a strong passion in agriculture. Would kindly wish you visit us and see what we are currently doing. Its quite simple but would wish to grow big in the future. We are currently based in Ngong, Kerarapon area.
        Thank you.

  2. Hi. Am Stephen and would like to start horticulture in Mweiga, Nyeri County. I have been allocated 5 acres by my mum and seriously want to start on this Feb, 2014. Give me a guide on people who fund horticulture from concept to fruition.Will be glad to hear from you. Otherwise, keep up the good work.

  3. Hi, I thought you might be interested in our new platform – http://www.aroundcommodities.com

    AroundCommodities.com is the first online interactive platform, structured around specific content – commodities & commodity futures.

    We have developed a novel way of online learning & information structuring. Given the high level of complexity and large rate of data and information creation, there is an ultimate need of making information and knowledge easily accessible, eliminating various thresholds and thus gaining true understanding.

    Feel free to let me know what you think.

    Kind Regards,


  4. Hi,

    We developed a mobile application for Micro and Small businesses worldwide to provide
    Relevant business information to enable better decisions
    Enable business social networking so that opportunities are shared through trusted relationships
    Simplified business work-flows to support specific statutory needs
    Managing accounting seamlessly
    This application is available in all app stores(Search “Kalgudi”) and supports different trade intermediaries and trade types in agribusinesses.
    This game changing application supports 17000+ agri-products and covers 36,000+ business locations across Asia, Europe and Africa.

    Please let us know your convenience to review our mobile application (“Kalgudi”) and share your inputs. Waiting for your reply at the earliest.

    Please share your personal Email-Id for further contact

  5. Hello, can you share information about our company to youth readers on your blog?

    Phed Agrovet { http://phedagrovet.com } caters for all things African Agriculture : Poultry farming, fish farming, Dog breeding, Rabbit rearing and much more.

    We distribute quite a range of veterinary pharmaceuticals with sole distributorship rights for a number of poultry vaccines.
    Our distribution network spans through the country, Nigeria and west Africa. We are highly recognised as the best veterinary pharmaceuticals distributor in Northern Nigeria.
    At Phed Farms, we also grow, supply, and sell, fingerlings, juvenile, table sized catfish, eggs, broilers, old layers, poultry eggs, Day old chicks, piglets, boar, sow, snails, grass cutter, rabbit, and so on.

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The Future of Agriculture Lies in the Hands of the Youth……..